
Young‐Min Kim
Associate Professor / Ph.D
Division of Interdisciplinary Industrial Studies
Graduate School of Industrial Data Engineering
Graduate School of Technology & Innovation Management

Phone : +82 (0)2 2220 2537
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Young‐Min Kim is an associate professor at Hanyang University, South Korea since Sep. 2020 (working since Sep. 2016). Her research background is in machine learning, probabilistic graphical models and unsupervised learning. She received her B.S. and M.S. in industrial engineering from Hanyang University and earned her second M.S. and Ph.D. in computer science from University Paris 6, France. She was a senior researcher at Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI) from Feb. 2014 to Aug. 2016.



B.S. Industrial Engineering, Hanyang University, 1999
M.S. Industrial Engineering, Hanyang University, 2001
M.S. Computer Science, University Pierre and Marie Curie, 2006
Ph.D. Computer Science, University Pierre and Marie Curie, 2010 (Advisor: Patrick Gallinari and Massih-Reza Amini)



Associate Professor, Graduate School of Technology & Innovation Management / Division of Interdisciplinary Industrial Studies, Hanyang University, 2020.09 - Present
Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Technology & Innovation Management / Division of Interdisciplinary Industrial Studies, Hanyang University, 2016.09-2020.08
Senior ResearcherKorea Institute of Science and Technology Information, 2014.02-2016.08
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Lyon 2, 2013.05-2014.02
Part-time lecturerDepartment of  Computer Science, University of Avignon, 2012-2013
Postdoctoral FellowDepartment of  Computer Science, University of Avignon & Aix-Marseille University, 2011.05-2013.04